Welcome to your Free Sample Lesson

New to online courses, or just uncertain if this is the right course for you?

I want you to feel the happiness we all feel when we are certain about making the choices that can help us grow creatively.

So, I had a think and decided to create a Free Sample Lesson. I want to give you the opportunity to experience the ease and joy of learning online. In this gifted lesson I demonstrate some of my own techniques giving you insight into my artistic practice. 

Art of the Sketchbook creates space to focus on the kind of work you want to make or reboot your creative juices after a period of inactivity.

Joining a regular art class as a complete beginner (or latent artist) can be very daunting. This online art course provides the perfect bridge to help you build confidence and exercise the creative side of your brain

Here is a taster of my online learning experience … with some lovely arty gifts thrown in for good measure.

Sign up below to receive my Free Sample Lesson.

You will also receive a discount on art materials from Pegasus Art, plus some exclusive films made just for you.

Sign up below to receive my Free Sample Lesson. ​

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Copyright © 2023 Melanie Cormack-Hicks